Saturday, August 15, 2009

big brother 11 chima quit.

As of very early this morning, it appears Chima Simone is no longer on Big Brother 11!

The facts remain a bit sketchy as live feeds from the Big Brother house were cut off for close to an hour. Once they were back on, Chima was gone

It is unclear if she was asked to leave or if she quit. If it wasn’t her decision, she will be the third person to be removed, but if it was her decision, she will be the first Big Brother contestant to quit.
Chima quit big Brother 11?

Here’s what we do know:

Friday there was a fight between Chima and Russell in which she called him a terrorist.

Michele put up both Chima and Natalie for eviction.

Chima flipped off several of her housemates, and freaking out screamed “You know what? #$% this @#$%. I’m outta here”In the backyard, (With Kevin, Lydia, and Natalie) Chima is asked to put on her microphone. Instead, she flips them off.Kevin brings her microphone to Chima who then throws it into the hot tub.Chima is asked to go to the storage room and exchange her now destroyed microphone for a new one. She refuses.

Kevin gets the new microphone for her: she insults the producer and still refuses to wear it.Chima is informed that she will be responsible for the cost of the microphone she has destroyed: the cost to be taken out of her Big brother weekly stipend.Chima has one of her “I’m an insane person” scream fits and the feeds were cut.

Now here’s the question: did Chima quit, was she told to leave or is she in a little time out so to speak?

The live feed seems to indicate she is indeed gone but there are many times when Chima’s absence is mentioned, the feed mysteriously moves away to the fish bowl.Once thing is for certain, the ratings should soar as millions turn in to see just what did happen during the feed blackouts.

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