Saturday, August 22, 2009

For Ramadan, best dates in Egypt named after Obama

For the holy month of Ramadan, Islam, the Egyptian fruit vendors have asked the best time of year, after President Obama in a tribute to the U.S. by its proximity to the Muslim world.

The dates are a traditional food of Ramadan - which begins today in most of the Islamic world - as the prophet Mohammed said that they used to spoil the month of dawn to sunset fast all evening.

In Washington, Obama has continued to their proximity to the Muslims.

Prayer, fasting, and other centuries old ritual "reminds us of the principles we have in common, the role of Islam and the advance of justice, progress, tolerance and the dignity of all human beings'', he said.

Obama said he received feedback from a speech in Cairo in June said he wants to improve ties with American Muslims in the world.

"We have listened. We learn that,''said the chairman. "And like you, are centers in pursuit of concrete actions that will make a difference in time - both in terms of political and security issues, I examined and in areas that will tell us the difference in the lives of peoples.

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